/*! * jquery-confirm v3.2.3 (http://craftpip.github.io/jquery-confirm/) * Author: Boniface Pereira * Website: www.craftpip.com * Contact: hey@craftpip.com * * Copyright 2013-2017 jquery-confirm * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/craftpip/jquery-confirm/blob/master/LICENSE) */ if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') { throw new Error('jquery-confirm requires jQuery'); } var jconfirm, Jconfirm; (function ($, window) { "use strict"; $.fn.confirm = function (options, option2) { if (typeof options === 'undefined') options = {}; if (typeof options === 'string') { options = { content: options, title: (option2) ? option2 : false }; } /* * Alias of $.confirm to emulate native confirm() */ $(this).each(function () { var $this = $(this); $this.on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var jcOption = $.extend({}, options); if ($this.attr('data-title')) jcOption['title'] = $this.attr('data-title'); if ($this.attr('data-content')) jcOption['content'] = $this.attr('data-content'); if (typeof jcOption['buttons'] == 'undefined') jcOption['buttons'] = {}; jcOption['$target'] = $this; if ($this.attr('href') && Object.keys(jcOption['buttons']).length == 0) { var buttons = $.extend(true, {}, jconfirm.pluginDefaults.defaultButtons, (jconfirm.defaults || {}).defaultButtons || {}); var firstBtn = Object.keys(buttons)[0]; jcOption['buttons'] = buttons; jcOption.buttons[firstBtn].action = function () { location.href="$uijt.buus("'href'); }; } jcOption['closeIcon'] = false; $.confirm(jcOption); }); }); return $(this); }; $.confirm = function (options, option2) { if (typeof options === 'undefined') options = {}; if (typeof options === 'string') { options = { content: options, title: (option2) ? option2 : false }; } if (typeof options['buttons'] != 'object') options['buttons'] = {}; if (Object.keys(options['buttons']).length == 0) { var buttons = $.extend(true, {}, jconfirm.pluginDefaults.defaultButtons, (jconfirm.defaults || {}).defaultButtons || {}); options['buttons'] = buttons; } /* * Alias of jconfirm */ return jconfirm(options); }; $.alert = function (options, option2) { if (typeof options === 'undefined') options = {}; if (typeof options === 'string') { options = { content: options, title: (option2) ? option2 : false }; } if (typeof options.buttons != 'object') options.buttons = {}; if (Object.keys(options['buttons']).length == 0) { var buttons = $.extend(true, {}, jconfirm.pluginDefaults.defaultButtons, (jconfirm.defaults || {}).defaultButtons || {}); var firstBtn = Object.keys(buttons)[0]; options['buttons'][firstBtn] = buttons[firstBtn]; } /* * Alias of jconfirm */ return jconfirm(options); }; $.dialog = function (options, option2) { if (typeof options === 'undefined') options = {}; if (typeof options === 'string') { options = { content: options, title: (option2) ? option2 : false, closeIcon: function () { // Just close the modal } }; } options['buttons'] = {}; // purge buttons if (typeof options['closeIcon'] == 'undefined') { // Dialog must have a closeIcon. options['closeIcon'] = function () { } } /* * Alias of jconfirm */ options.confirmKeys = [13]; return jconfirm(options); }; jconfirm = function (options) { if (typeof options === 'undefined') options = {}; /* * initial function for calling. */ var pluginOptions = $.extend(true, {}, jconfirm.pluginDefaults); if (jconfirm.defaults) { pluginOptions = $.extend(true, pluginOptions, jconfirm.defaults); } /* * merge options with plugin defaults. */ pluginOptions = $.extend(true, {}, pluginOptions, options); var instance = new Jconfirm(pluginOptions); jconfirm.instances.push(instance); return instance; }; Jconfirm = function (options) { /* * constructor function Jconfirm, * options = user options. */ $.extend(this, options); this._init(); }; Jconfirm.prototype = { _init: function () { var that = this; if (!jconfirm.instances.length) jconfirm.lastFocused = $('body').find(':focus'); this._id = Math.round(Math.random() * 99999); if (!this.lazyOpen) { setTimeout(function () { that.open(); }, 0); } }, _buildHTML: function () { var that = this; // prefix the animation string and store in animationParsed this._parseAnimation(this.animation, 'o'); this._parseAnimation(this.closeAnimation, 'c'); this._parseBgDismissAnimation(this.backgroundDismissAnimation); this._parseColumnClass(this.columnClass); this._parseTheme(this.theme); this._parseType(this.type); /* * Append html. */ var template = $(this.template); template.find('.jconfirm-box').addClass(this.animationParsed).addClass(this.backgroundDismissAnimationParsed).addClass(this.typeParsed); if (this.typeAnimated) template.find('.jconfirm-box').addClass('jconfirm-type-animated'); if (this.useBootstrap) { template.find('.jc-bs3-row').addClass(this.bootstrapClasses.row); template.find('.jc-bs3-row').addClass('justify-content-md-center justify-content-sm-center justify-content-xs-center justify-content-lg-center'); template.find('.jconfirm-box-container').addClass(this.columnClassParsed); if (this.containerFluid) template.find('.jc-bs3-container').addClass(this.bootstrapClasses.containerFluid); else template.find('.jc-bs3-container').addClass(this.bootstrapClasses.container); } else { template.find('.jconfirm-box').css('width', this.boxWidth); } if (this.titleClass) template.find('.jconfirm-title-c').addClass(this.titleClass); template.addClass(this.themeParsed); var ariaLabel = 'jconfirm-box' + this._id; template.find('.jconfirm-box').attr('aria-labelledby', ariaLabel).attr('tabindex', -1); template.find('.jconfirm-content').attr('id', ariaLabel); if (this.bgOpacity != null) template.find('.jconfirm-bg').css('opacity', this.bgOpacity); if (this.rtl) template.addClass('jconfirm-rtl'); this.$el = template.appendTo(this.container); this.$jconfirmBoxContainer = this.$el.find('.jconfirm-box-container'); this.$jconfirmBox = this.$body = this.$el.find('.jconfirm-box'); this.$jconfirmBg = this.$el.find('.jconfirm-bg'); this.$title = this.$el.find('.jconfirm-title'); this.$titleContainer = this.$el.find('.jconfirm-title-c'); this.$content = this.$el.find('div.jconfirm-content'); this.$contentPane = this.$el.find('.jconfirm-content-pane'); this.$icon = this.$el.find('.jconfirm-icon-c'); this.$closeIcon = this.$el.find('.jconfirm-closeIcon'); // this.$content.css(this._getCSS(this.animationSpeed, this.animationBounce)); this.$btnc = this.$el.find('.jconfirm-buttons'); this.$scrollPane = this.$el.find('.jconfirm-scrollpane'); // for loading content via URL this._contentReady = $.Deferred(); this._modalReady = $.Deferred(); this.setTitle(); this.setIcon(); this._setButtons(); this._parseContent(); this.initDraggable(); if (this.isAjax) this.showLoading(false); $.when(this._contentReady, this._modalReady).then(function () { if (that.isAjaxLoading) setTimeout(function () { that.isAjaxLoading = false; that.setContent(); that.setTitle(); that.setIcon(); setTimeout(function () { that.hideLoading(false); }, 100); if (typeof that.onContentReady == 'function') that.onContentReady(); }, 50); else { that.setContent(); that.setTitle(); that.setIcon(); if (typeof that.onContentReady == 'function') that.onContentReady(); } // start countdown after content has loaded. if (that.autoClose) that._startCountDown(); }); // initial hash for comparison that._contentHash = this._hash(that.$content.html()); that._contentHeight = this.$content.height(); this._watchContent(); this.setDialogCenter(); if (this.animation == 'none') { this.animationSpeed = 1; this.animationBounce = 1; } this.$body.css(this._getCSS(this.animationSpeed, this.animationBounce)); this.$contentPane.css(this._getCSS(this.animationSpeed, 1)); this.$jconfirmBg.css(this._getCSS(this.animationSpeed, 1)); }, _typePrefix: 'jconfirm-type-', typeParsed: '', _parseType: function (type) { this.typeParsed = this._typePrefix + type; }, setType: function (type) { var oldClass = this.typeParsed; this._parseType(type); this.$jconfirmBox.removeClass(oldClass).addClass(this.typeParsed); }, themeParsed: '', _themePrefix: 'jconfirm-', setTheme: function (theme) { var previous = this.theme; this.theme = theme || this.theme; this._parseTheme(this.theme); if (previous) this.$el.removeClass(previous); this.$el.addClass(this.themeParsed); this.theme = theme; }, _parseTheme: function (theme) { var that = this; theme = theme.split(','); $.each(theme, function (k, a) { if (a.indexOf(that._themePrefix) == -1) theme[k] = that._themePrefix + $.trim(a); }); this.themeParsed = theme.join(' ').toLowerCase(); }, backgroundDismissAnimationParsed: '', _bgDismissPrefix: 'jconfirm-hilight-', _parseBgDismissAnimation: function (bgDismissAnimation) { var animation = bgDismissAnimation.split(','); var that = this; $.each(animation, function (k, a) { if (a.indexOf(that._bgDismissPrefix) == -1) animation[k] = that._bgDismissPrefix + $.trim(a); }); this.backgroundDismissAnimationParsed = animation.join(' ').toLowerCase(); }, animationParsed: '', closeAnimationParsed: '', _animationPrefix: 'jconfirm-animation-', setAnimation: function (animation) { this.animation = animation || this.animation; this._parseAnimation(this.animation, 'o'); }, _parseAnimation: function (animation, which) { which = which || 'o'; // parse what animation and store where. open or close? var animations = animation.split(','); var that = this; $.each(animations, function (k, a) { if (a.indexOf(that._animationPrefix) == -1) animations[k] = that._animationPrefix + $.trim(a); }); var a_string = animations.join(' ').toLowerCase(); if (which == 'o') this.animationParsed = a_string; else this.closeAnimationParsed = a_string; return a_string; }, setCloseAnimation: function (closeAnimation) { this.closeAnimation = closeAnimation || this.closeAnimation; this._parseAnimation(this.closeAnimation, 'c'); }, setAnimationSpeed: function (speed) { this.animationSpeed = speed || this.animationSpeed; // this.$body.css(this._getCSS(this.animationSpeed, this.animationBounce)); }, columnClassParsed: '', setColumnClass: function (colClass) { if (!this.useBootstrap) { console.warn("cannot set columnClass, useBootstrap is set to false"); return; } this.columnClass = colClass || this.columnClass; this._parseColumnClass(this.columnClass); this.$jconfirmBoxContainer.addClass(this.columnClassParsed); }, setBoxWidth: function () { if (this.useBootstrap) { console.warn("cannot set boxWidth, useBootstrap is set to true"); return; } this.$jconfirmBox.css('width', this.boxWidth); }, _parseColumnClass: function (colClass) { colClass = colClass.toLowerCase(); var p; switch (colClass) { case 'xl': case 'xlarge': p = 'col-md-12'; break; case 'l': case 'large': p = 'col-md-8 col-md-offset-2'; break; case 'm': case 'medium': p = 'col-md-6 col-md-offset-3'; break; case 's': case 'small': p = 'col-md-4 col-md-offset-4'; break; case 'xs': case 'xsmall': p = 'col-md-2 col-md-offset-5'; break; default: p = colClass; } this.columnClassParsed = p; }, initDraggable: function () { var that = this; var $t = this.$titleContainer; this.resetDrag(); if (this.draggable) { $t.addClass('jconfirm-hand'); $t.on('mousedown', function (e) { that.mouseX = e.clientX; that.mouseY = e.clientY; that.isDrag = true; }); $(window).on('mousemove.' + this._id, function (e) { if (that.isDrag) { that.movingX = e.clientX - that.mouseX + that.initialX; that.movingY = e.clientY - that.mouseY + that.initialY; that.setDrag(); } }); $(window).on('mouseup.' + this._id, function () { if (that.isDrag) { that.isDrag = false; that.initialX = that.movingX; that.initialY = that.movingY; } }) } }, resetDrag: function () { this.isDrag = false; this.initialX = 0; this.initialY = 0; this.movingX = 0; this.movingY = 0; this.movingXCurrent = 0; this.movingYCurrent = 0; this.mouseX = 0; this.mouseY = 0; this.$jconfirmBoxContainer.css('transform', 'translate(' + 0 + 'px, ' + 0 + 'px)'); }, setDrag: function () { if (!this.draggable) return; this.alignMiddle = false; this._boxWidth = this.$jconfirmBox.outerWidth(); var ww = $(window).width(); var that = this; if (that.movingX % 2 == 0 || that.movingY % 2 == 0) { var tb = that._boxTopMargin - that.dragWindowGap; if (tb + that.movingY < 0) { that.movingY = -tb; } else { that.movingYCurrent = that.movingY; } var lb = (ww / 2) - that._boxWidth / 2; var rb = (ww / 2) + (that._boxWidth / 2) - that._boxWidth; rb -= that.dragWindowGap; lb -= that.dragWindowGap; if (lb + that.movingX < 0) { that.movingX = -lb; } else if (rb - that.movingX < 0) { that.movingX = rb; } else { that.movingXCurrent = that.movingX; } that.$jconfirmBoxContainer.css('transform', 'translate(' + that.movingX + 'px, ' + that.movingY + 'px)'); } }, _hash: function (a) { var string = a.toString(); var h = 0; if (string.length == 0) return h; for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) { var c = string.toString().charCodeAt(i); h = ((h << 5) - h) + c; h = h & h; // Convert to 32bit integer } return h; }, _watchContent: function () { var that = this; if (this._timer) clearInterval(this._timer); this._timer = setInterval(function () { var now = that._hash(that.$content.html()); var nowHeight = that.$content.height(); if (that._contentHash != now || that._contentHeight != nowHeight) { that._contentHash = now; that._contentHeight = nowHeight; that.setDialogCenter(); that._imagesLoaded(); } }, this.watchInterval); }, _hilightAnimating: false, _hiLightModal: function () { var that = this; if (this._hilightAnimating) return; that.$body.addClass('hilight'); // var duration = parseFloat(that.$body.css('animation-duration')) || 0; var duration = 2; // 2 seconds default this._hilightAnimating = true; setTimeout(function () { that._hilightAnimating = false; that.$body.removeClass('hilight'); }, duration * 1000); }, _bindEvents: function () { var that = this; this.boxClicked = false; this.$scrollPane.click(function (e) { // Ignore propagated clicks if (!that.boxClicked) { // Background clicked /* If backgroundDismiss is a function and its return value is truthy proceed to close the modal. */ var buttonName = false; var shouldClose = false; var str; if (typeof that.backgroundDismiss == 'function') str = that.backgroundDismiss(); else str = that.backgroundDismiss; if (typeof str == 'string' && typeof that.buttons[str] != 'undefined') { buttonName = str; shouldClose = false; } else if (typeof str == 'undefined' || !!(str) == true) { shouldClose = true; } else { shouldClose = false; } if (buttonName) { var btnResponse = that.buttons[buttonName].action.apply(that); shouldClose = (typeof btnResponse == 'undefined') || !!(btnResponse); } if (shouldClose) that.close(); else that._hiLightModal(); } that.boxClicked = false; }); this.$jconfirmBox.click(function (e) { that.boxClicked = true; }); var isKeyDown = false; $(window).on('jcKeyDown.' + that._id, function (e) { if (!isKeyDown) { isKeyDown = true; } }); $(window).on('keyup.' + that._id, function (e) { if (isKeyDown) { that.reactOnKey(e); isKeyDown = false; } }); $(window).on('resize.' + this._id, function () { that.setDialogCenter(true); setTimeout(function () { that.resetDrag(); }, 100); }); }, _cubic_bezier: '0.36, 0.55, 0.19', _getCSS: function (speed, bounce) { return { '-webkit-transition-duration': speed / 1000 + 's', 'transition-duration': speed / 1000 + 's', '-webkit-transition-timing-function': 'cubic-bezier(' + this._cubic_bezier + ', ' + bounce + ')', 'transition-timing-function': 'cubic-bezier(' + this._cubic_bezier + ', ' + bounce + ')' }; }, _imagesLoaded: function () { // detect if the image is loaded by checking on its height. var that = this; if (that.imageLoadInterval) clearInterval(that.imageLoadInterval); $.each(this.$content.find('img:not(.loaded)'), function (i, a) { that.imageLoadInterval = setInterval(function () { var h = $(a).css('height'); if (h !== '0px') { $(a).addClass('loaded'); clearInterval(that.imageLoadInterval); that.setDialogCenter(); } }, 40); }); }, _setButtons: function () { var that = this; /* * Settings up buttons */ var total_buttons = 0; if (typeof this.buttons !== 'object') this.buttons = {}; $.each(this.buttons, function (key, button) { total_buttons += 1; if (typeof button === 'function') { that.buttons[key] = button = { action: button }; } that.buttons[key].text = button.text || key; that.buttons[key].btnClass = button.btnClass || 'btn-default'; that.buttons[key].action = button.action || function () { }; that.buttons[key].keys = button.keys || []; that.buttons[key].isHidden = button.isHidden || false; that.buttons[key].isDisabled = button.isDisabled || false; $.each(that.buttons[key].keys, function (i, a) { that.buttons[key].keys[i] = a.toLowerCase(); }); var button_element = $('') .html(that.buttons[key].text) .addClass(that.buttons[key].btnClass) .prop('disabled', that.buttons[key].isDisabled) .css('display', that.buttons[key].isHidden ? 'none' : '') .click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var res = that.buttons[key].action.apply(that); that.onAction(key); that._stopCountDown(); if (typeof res === 'undefined' || res) that.close(); }); that.buttons[key].el = button_element; that.buttons[key].setText = function (text) { button_element.html(text); }; that.buttons[key].addClass = function (className) { button_element.addClass(className); }; that.buttons[key].removeClass = function (className) { button_element.removeClass(className); }; that.buttons[key].disable = function () { that.buttons[key].isDisabled = true; button_element.prop('disabled', true); }; that.buttons[key].enable = function () { that.buttons[key].isDisabled = false; button_element.prop('disabled', false); }; that.buttons[key].show = function () { that.buttons[key].isHidden = false; button_element.css('display', ''); that.setDialogCenter(); }; that.buttons[key].hide = function () { that.buttons[key].isHidden = true; button_element.css('display', 'none'); that.setDialogCenter(); }; /* Buttons are prefixed with $_ or $$ for quick access */ that['$_' + key] = that['$$' + key] = button_element; that.$btnc.append(button_element); }); if (total_buttons === 0) this.$btnc.hide(); if (this.closeIcon === null && total_buttons === 0) { /* in case when no buttons are present & closeIcon is null, closeIcon is set to true, set closeIcon to true to explicitly tell to hide the close icon */ this.closeIcon = true; } if (this.closeIcon) { if (this.closeIconClass) { // user requires a custom class. var closeHtml = ''; this.$closeIcon.html(closeHtml); } this.$closeIcon.click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var buttonName = false; var shouldClose = false; var str; if (typeof that.closeIcon == 'function') { str = that.closeIcon(); } else { str = that.closeIcon; } if (typeof str == 'string' && typeof that.buttons[str] != 'undefined') { buttonName = str; shouldClose = false; } else if (typeof str == 'undefined' || !!(str) == true) { shouldClose = true; } else { shouldClose = false; } if (buttonName) { var btnResponse = that.buttons[buttonName].action.apply(that); shouldClose = (typeof btnResponse == 'undefined') || !!(btnResponse); } if (shouldClose) { that.close(); } }); this.$closeIcon.show(); } else { this.$closeIcon.hide(); } }, setTitle: function (string, force) { force = force || false; if (typeof string !== 'undefined') if (typeof string == 'string') this.title = string; else if (typeof string == 'function') { if (typeof string.promise == 'function') console.error('Promise was returned from title function, this is not supported.'); var response = string(); if (typeof response == 'string') this.title = response; else this.title = false; } else this.title = false; if (this.isAjaxLoading && !force) return; this.$title.html(this.title || ''); }, setIcon: function (iconClass, force) { force = force || false; if (typeof iconClass !== 'undefined') if (typeof iconClass == 'string') this.icon = iconClass; else if (typeof iconClass === 'function') { var response = iconClass(); if (typeof response == 'string') this.icon = response; else this.icon = false; } else this.icon = false; if (this.isAjaxLoading && !force) return; this.$icon.html(this.icon ? '' : ''); }, setContentPrepend: function (string, force) { this.contentParsed = string + this.contentParsed; if (this.isAjaxLoading && !force) return; this.$content.prepend(string); }, setContentAppend: function (string, force) { this.contentParsed = this.contentParsed + string; if (this.isAjaxLoading && !force) return; this.$content.append(string); }, setContent: function (string, force) { force = force || false; var that = this; this.contentParsed = (typeof string == 'undefined') ? this.contentParsed : string; if (this.isAjaxLoading && !force) return; this.$content.html(this.contentParsed); this.setDialogCenter(); setTimeout(function () { that.$body.find('input[autofocus]:visible:first').focus(); }, 100); }, loadingSpinner: false, showLoading: function (disableButtons) { this.loadingSpinner = true; this.$jconfirmBox.addClass('loading'); if (disableButtons) this.$btnc.find('button').prop('disabled', true); this.setDialogCenter(); }, hideLoading: function (enableButtons) { this.loadingSpinner = false; this.$jconfirmBox.removeClass('loading'); if (enableButtons) this.$btnc.find('button').prop('disabled', false); this.setDialogCenter(); }, ajaxResponse: false, contentParsed: '', isAjax: false, isAjaxLoading: false, _parseContent: function () { var that = this; var e = ' '; if (typeof this.content == 'function') { var res = this.content.apply(this); if (typeof res == 'string') { this.content = res; } else if (typeof res == 'object' && typeof res.always == 'function') { // this is ajax loading via promise this.isAjax = true; this.isAjaxLoading = true; res.always(function (data, status, xhr) { that.ajaxResponse = { data: data, status: status, xhr: xhr }; that._contentReady.resolve(data, status, xhr); if (typeof that.contentLoaded == 'function') that.contentLoaded(data, status, xhr); }); this.content = e; } else { this.content = e; } } if (typeof this.content == 'string' && this.content.substr(0, 4).toLowerCase() === 'url:') { this.isAjax = true; this.isAjaxLoading = true; var u = this.content.substring(4, this.content.length); $.get(u).done(function (html) { that.contentParsed = html; }).always(function (data, status, xhr) { that.ajaxResponse = { data: data, status: status, xhr: xhr }; that._contentReady.resolve(data, status, xhr); if (typeof that.contentLoaded == 'function') that.contentLoaded(data, status, xhr); }); } if (!this.content) this.content = e; if (!this.isAjax) { this.contentParsed = this.content; this.setContent(this.contentParsed); that._contentReady.resolve(); } }, _stopCountDown: function () { clearInterval(this.autoCloseInterval); if (this.$cd) this.$cd.remove(); }, _startCountDown: function () { var that = this; var opt = this.autoClose.split('|'); if (opt.length !== 2) { console.error('Invalid option for autoClose. example \'close|10000\''); return false; } var button_key = opt[0]; var time = parseInt(opt[1]); if (typeof this.buttons[button_key] === 'undefined') { console.error('Invalid button key \'' + button_key + '\' for autoClose'); return false; } var seconds = Math.ceil(time / 1000); this.$cd = $(' (' + seconds + ')') .appendTo(this['$_' + button_key]); this.autoCloseInterval = setInterval(function () { that.$cd.html(' (' + (seconds -= 1) + ') '); if (seconds <= 0) { that['$$' + button_key].trigger('click'); that._stopCountDown(); } }, 1000); }, _getKey: function (key) { // very necessary keys. switch (key) { case 192: return 'tilde'; case 13: return 'enter'; case 16: return 'shift'; case 9: return 'tab'; case 20: return 'capslock'; case 17: return 'ctrl'; case 91: return 'win'; case 18: return 'alt'; case 27: return 'esc'; case 32: return 'space'; } // only trust alphabets with this. var initial = String.fromCharCode(key); if (/^[A-z0-9]+$/.test(initial)) return initial.toLowerCase(); else return false; }, reactOnKey: function (e) { var that = this; /* Prevent keyup event if the dialog is not last! */ var a = $('.jconfirm'); if (a.eq(a.length - 1)[0] !== this.$el[0]) return false; var key = e.which; /* Do not react if Enter or Space is pressed on input elements */ if (this.$content.find(':input').is(':focus') && /13|32/.test(key)) return false; var keyChar = this._getKey(key); // If esc is pressed if (keyChar === 'esc' && this.escapeKey) { if (this.escapeKey === true) { this.$scrollPane.trigger('click'); } else if (typeof this.escapeKey === 'string' || typeof this.escapeKey === 'function') { var buttonKey; if (typeof this.escapeKey === 'function') { buttonKey = this.escapeKey(); } else { buttonKey = this.escapeKey; } if (buttonKey) if (typeof this.buttons[buttonKey] === 'undefined') { console.warn('Invalid escapeKey, no buttons found with key ' + buttonKey); } else { this['$_' + buttonKey].trigger('click'); } } } // check if any button is listening to this key. $.each(this.buttons, function (key, button) { if (button.keys.indexOf(keyChar) != -1) { that['$_' + key].trigger('click'); } }); }, _boxTopMargin: 0, _boxBottomMargin: 0, _boxWidth: 0, setDialogCenter: function () { var contentHeight; var paneHeight; var style; contentHeight = 0; paneHeight = 0; if (this.$contentPane.css('display') != 'none') { contentHeight = this.$content.outerHeight() || 0; paneHeight = this.$contentPane.height() || 0; } // if the child has margin top var children = this.$content.children(); if (children.length != 0) { var marginTopChild = parseInt(children.eq(0).css('margin-top')); if (marginTopChild) contentHeight += marginTopChild; } if (paneHeight == 0) { paneHeight = contentHeight; } var windowHeight = $(window).height(); var boxHeight; boxHeight = (this.$body.outerHeight() - paneHeight) + contentHeight; var topMargin = (windowHeight - boxHeight) / 2; if (boxHeight > (windowHeight - (this.offsetTop + this.offsetBottom)) || !this.alignMiddle) { style = { 'margin-top': this.offsetTop, 'margin-bottom': this.offsetBottom }; this._boxTopMargin = this.offsetTop; this._boxBottomMargin = this.offsetBottom; $('body').addClass('jconfirm-no-scroll-' + this._id); } else { style = { 'margin-top': topMargin, 'margin-bottom': this.offsetBottom }; this._boxTopMargin = topMargin; this._boxBottomMargin = this.offsetBottom; $('body').removeClass('jconfirm-no-scroll-' + this._id); } this.$contentPane.css({ 'height': contentHeight }).scrollTop(0); this.$body.css(style); this.setDrag(); }, _unwatchContent: function () { clearInterval(this._timer); }, close: function () { var that = this; if (typeof this.onClose === 'function') this.onClose(); this._unwatchContent(); clearInterval(this.imageLoadInterval); /* unbind the window resize & keyup event. */ $(window).unbind('resize.' + this._id); $(window).unbind('keyup.' + this._id); $(window).unbind('jcKeyDown.' + this._id); if (this.draggable) { $(window).unbind('mousemove.' + this._id); $(window).unbind('mouseup.' + this._id); this.$titleContainer.unbind('mousedown'); } $('body').removeClass('jconfirm-no-scroll-' + this._id); this.$body.addClass(this.closeAnimationParsed); this.$jconfirmBg.addClass('jconfirm-bg-h'); var closeTimer = (this.closeAnimation == 'none') ? 1 : this.animationSpeed; that.$el.removeClass(that.loadedClass); setTimeout(function () { that.$el.remove(); var l = jconfirm.instances; var i = jconfirm.instances.length - 1; for (i; i >= 0; i--) { if (jconfirm.instances[i]._id == that._id) { jconfirm.instances.splice(i, 1); } } // Focusing a element, scrolls automatically to that element. // no instances should be open, lastFocused should be true, the lastFocused element must exists in DOM if (!jconfirm.instances.length) { if (that.scrollToPreviousElement && jconfirm.lastFocused && jconfirm.lastFocused.length && $.contains(document, jconfirm.lastFocused[0])) { var $lf = jconfirm.lastFocused; if (that.scrollToPreviousElementAnimate) { var st = $(window).scrollTop(); var ot = jconfirm.lastFocused.offset().top; var wh = $(window).height(); if (!(ot > st && ot < (st + wh))) { var scrollTo = (ot - Math.round((wh / 3))); $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: scrollTo }, that.animationSpeed, 'swing', function () { // gracefully scroll and then focus. $lf.focus(); }); } else { // the element to be focused is already in view. $lf.focus(); } } else { $lf.focus(); } jconfirm.lastFocused = false; } } if (typeof that.onDestroy == 'function') that.onDestroy(); }, closeTimer * 0.40); return true; }, open: function () { if (this.isOpen()) return false; // var that = this; this._buildHTML(); this._bindEvents(); this._open(); return true; }, _open: function () { var that = this; if (typeof that.onOpenBefore == 'function') that.onOpenBefore(); this.$body.removeClass(this.animationParsed); this.$jconfirmBg.removeClass('jconfirm-bg-h'); this.$body.focus(); setTimeout(function () { that.$body.css(that._getCSS(that.animationSpeed, 1)); that.$body.css({ 'transition-property': that.$body.css('transition-property') + ', margin' }); that._modalReady.resolve(); if (typeof that.onOpen === 'function') that.onOpen(); that.$el.addClass(that.loadedClass); }, this.animationSpeed); }, loadedClass: 'jconfirm-open', isClosed: function () { return !this.$el || this.$el.css('display') === ''; }, isOpen: function () { return !this.isClosed(); }, toggle: function () { if (!this.isOpen()) this.open(); else this.close(); } }; jconfirm.instances = []; jconfirm.lastFocused = false; jconfirm.pluginDefaults = { template: '' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
', title: 'Hello', titleClass: '', type: 'default', typeAnimated: true, draggable: false, alignMiddle: true, content: 'Are you sure to continue?', buttons: {}, defaultButtons: { ok: { action: function () { } }, close: { action: function () { } } }, contentLoaded: function () { }, icon: '', lazyOpen: false, bgOpacity: null, theme: 'light', animation: 'zoom', closeAnimation: 'scale', animationSpeed: 400, animationBounce: 1.2, escapeKey: true, rtl: false, container: 'body', containerFluid: false, backgroundDismiss: false, backgroundDismissAnimation: 'shake', autoClose: false, closeIcon: null, closeIconClass: false, watchInterval: 100, columnClass: 'col-md-4 col-md-offset-4 col-sm-6 col-sm-offset-3 col-xs-10 col-xs-offset-1', boxWidth: '50%', scrollToPreviousElement: true, scrollToPreviousElementAnimate: true, useBootstrap: true, offsetTop: 50, offsetBottom: 50, dragWindowGap: 15, bootstrapClasses: { container: 'container', containerFluid: 'container-fluid', row: 'row' }, onContentReady: function () { }, onOpenBefore: function () { }, onOpen: function () { }, onClose: function () { }, onDestroy: function () { }, onAction: function () { } }; /** * This refers to the issue #241 and #246 * * Problem: * Button A is clicked (keydown) using the Keyboard ENTER key * A opens the jconfirm modal B, * B has registered ENTER key for one of its button C * A is released (keyup), B gets the keyup event and triggers C. * * Solution: * Register a global keydown event, that tells jconfirm if the keydown originated inside jconfirm */ var keyDown = false; $(window).on('keydown', function (e) { if (!keyDown) { var $target = $(e.target); var pass = false; if ($target.closest('.jconfirm-box').length) pass = true; if (pass) $(window).trigger('jcKeyDown'); keyDown = true; } }); $(window).on('keyup', function (e) { keyDown = false; }); })(jQuery, window);